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1st Edition

Moscoso, Victor More info
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Size:11 X 27
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This was available through the "Promethean Enterprises" magazine.
It is a 4 panel fold out.

This was typed on the back of the poster:

In November of 1971, San Francisco Municipal bus riders received an unexpected treat. Instead of the usual advertising placards pushing Wrigley's gum, toothpaste, the local army recruiting station and four different insurance companies, the luck riders were bombarded with an advertising for KSAN radio that occupied all of the advertising spaces in 100 Muni buses.

The treat was that the KSAN ad was actually a 60 foot loop by the artist Victor Moscoso. Begining just to the right of the front door bus, Victor put the Muni riders through their paces, directing them down one side of the aisle and up the other with his abstract/surreal drawings that underwent a circular metamorphosis which terminated behind the driver yet bringing the viewer's attention back to the initial starting point.

Populated with some of the creatures from Victor's ZAP strips, but with a supporting group of dozens of new, yet familiar faces, sizes and shapes, the KSAN bus strip was a visual trip. And it was the first attempt to utilize the porentials of the comics in a commercial venture, an event that deserved to have more effect and more exposure than resulted from the month long bus show.

In the three years since that experiment, there has been no further mention of the bus strip, nor has there ever been an easily accessible print of the art. If you weren't in San Francisco riding buses in November of 1971, chances are you've at best heard rumors about Moscoso's bus ad. Now we are proud to present the entire ad (with a few modifications done expressly for the vertical format by Victor) for the masses. Unfold it, cut it apart and paste it together into a twelve foot strip, twist it into a Mobius strip, hang it as is on your wall, frame it, play with it. DIG IT!
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Original Price$1.50