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1st Edition

Strawberryluna More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Cougar, White 100lb cover weight
Size:17 X 22
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This test print shows parts some of the following posters: Black Moth Super Rainbow, Guster, The Decemberists, Iron & Wine. Pin registration punch-holes are still present on the left hand side of the print.

Test prints are an integral and often surprisingly beautiful and playful part of the hand printed process. They are never ever the same, and therefore true, one-of-a-kind, individual Monoprints. Made from varied layers and layers of inks from different print runs to check colors, clean out a messy screen and a dozen other reasons, Test Prints are spontaneously created and basically, magical.

I keep a few with me in the studio while printing and every now and then one looks suddenly nice & done. Like this one!

Note: Due to their functional and traveling nature, Test Prints are often messy, perhaps with a finger print, or a minorly bent corner, scuffs, and even the evidence of sleepy tears, all a part of the print making highs and lows and highs again. - Strawberryluna
Sales History
Original Price$75.00