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1st Edition

Rogers, Jermaine More info
Edition Details
Class:Original Art
Paper:Cold press paper
Size:11 X 13
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"Ink, watercolor, acrylic on cold press
(14 x 10in.) (2002)
This mixed-media work is based on a great story I heard from fellow poster-artist, Frank Kozik. He talked about a weird time when he was working for these 'red-necks' down here in Texas, and they sent him down to Houston's 5th Ward neighborhood to 'collect' some cash from one of their 'clients'. For his 'protection', they give Frank a gun to carry. By the way, for those of you that don't know, 5th Ward is a ROUGH neighborhood. Gang turf, drugs, and all that. Add to that the fact that you don't see too many white boys strolling through the neighborhood, and you start to get a mental picture of how weird a guy like KOZIK would've looked moseying through the place.
ANYWAYS, Kozik ends up knee-deep in 'the hood', and he has to go into this convenience store that the guy who owes the cash owns and operates. The guy didn't wanna give up the cash at first, so Frank has to wave the gun around and really ham it up to get the guy to give him the cash. So, Frank finally gets the cash and like... 'strolls' out to his truck, still holding this gun in plain-view for all around to see...and takes off. Hours later, he gets back to Austin, thoroughly pissed at these 'red-neck' guys who sorta sent him into 'the woods' without telling him how much of a risk he'd be taking. It was a hillarious story that conjured up all sorts of mental imagery. That evening, while it was still fresh on my brain, I did an acryllic and ink piece on watercolor-board called, 'KOZIK IN THE HOOD'."
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